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                Where to tie the knot? Where to celebrate the never-ending love? Invite all your families and friends to witness a great love story. As you begin your new life together, may your first step of happiness starts at Sky Fortune.

                Sky Fortune Boutique Hotel is located in the Hongqiao Gubei area, next to the Central Ring and Inner Ring Express Way. The impressive multi-functional ballroom with a space of 518 square meters is located on the top floor of the hotel, equipped with a meg size (5.8*3.5m) LED screen plus stage lighting and digital audio-visual systems. It has a capacity of 300 persons for wedding banquets. The adjacent small meeting rooms could be opened to connect with ballroom for more space or simply used for wedding ceremony. It is an ideal venue for creating dreamful weddings.

                The spacious and luxurious ballroom is decorated with the specially designed golden fish chandeliers, echoed with the ocean pattern carpet, reflecting a dreamful and romantic atmosphere. The marble elevator hall could be converted to wedding reception area of different styles. The dressing room on the same floor is equipped with mirrors and coat rack, convenient for the bride to change and make up. A team of passionate, caring people are dedicated to bringing your dream day to life and creating memories to last.